Garage & Studio

Featured Services

Garage - Wall Kayak Storage

Store it.

Kayak Storage

Bike & Sports Equipment Storage

Lawn & Garden Tool Storage

Work Area (benches & cabinets)

Garage Door Opener Replacement

Exercise & Fitness Equipment Assembly

Photo by JosuOzkaritz/iStock / Getty Images

Equip it.

When Your Garage and Studio Spaces are functional and organized the rest of the house runs a lot more smoothly and there is more time to enjoy doing things for yourself. We can help you to set up these spaces with storage solutions, and work surfaces. We also install mirrors, TV’s, and artwork.

These featured services are just a starting place of the types of things that Blue Ridge Fixed can do for your garage and studio. Contact us to find out more about our services, pricing, and how to schedule your small home project.

Photo by SeventyFour/iStock / Getty Images

Create it.

Yoga & Pilates Studios (setup, equipment, prop storage, TV installation)

Arts & Crafts Studios (install cupboards, shelving, & set up work surfaces)

Sewing Spaces (Install shelving, cubbies, and storage for bits & bobs)

Multi-purpose Spaces